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Right Relations Committee




Why does Right Relations exist?

 Our congregation adopted a Right Relations Covenant (see below) and chose to create a Right Relations Committee because we recognized a need. First Unitarian Church believes that people matter. Feelings matter. If one person is hurting, then we all are hurting. If one person is empowered, we are all empowered.


Who we are not:

We are not “behavior police” who monitor our congregation. We are not “do-gooders” who wring our hands and implore everyone to get along and be nice. We are not a sounding board for gossip or generalized complaining.


Who we are:

We are church members elected by our congregation who recognize that hurts lead to resentments. People matter. We exist to listen to and engage with individuals who have experienced conflict, oppression, or hurt feelings. We provide resources, educational opportunities, and workshops to grow as individuals and as a community.


How to reach us and what to expect:

You can contact us at Members can also reach out to any of us in person, by phone or email, through messenger, or however they feel comfortable. It is our goal to respond within 72 hours.


RRC is a work in progress and we are still in the process of establishing guidelines. We promise to give you space. We will listen to you. We will respect you. We will love you. Whatever you say to us will be held in strict confidence Our goal is to work with you to find a meaningful solution.



“We need not think alike to love alike”

John Wesley


Right Relations Team Members:  Terri Lynn Brewer, Kay Lynn Goldner, Jean Wagner, and Elaine Wells 




Upcoming Event


Your Right Relations Committee will offer a workshop in March. This workshop series is for anyone who wants to handle conflicts or misunderstandings more effectively—no more fight, flight, freeze or fawn! Feel free to invite friends or significant others to this FREE learning opportunity.   Learn more and sign up here:




Covenant of Right Relations 


We, the congregation of First Unitarian Church of Omaha, covenant together: 


  • To create a religious community where we can freely explore our values and foster diversity as a source of communal strength. 

  • To build healthy relationships, seeking to understand each other and respect our differences. 

  • To listen deeply and endeavor to communicate directly, honestly, and compassionately, particularly when we are in conflict. 

  • To do our best to make amends when we have hurt each other, even unintentionally, to learn from our mistakes, to forgive, and to reconnect in a spirit of understanding and commitment.


Approved by the congregation May 2019


Click here for our Mission and Vision page. 




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First Unitarian Church of Omaha | 3114 Harney Street | Omaha, Nebraska 68131 | 402-345-3039 | Email |Privacy Policies



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