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Come Join Our Circle of Sharing!


Would you like to connect more deeply with others in our community? Would you like to explore important Unitarian Universalist values in a supportive, nonjudgmental small group setting?   Would you like to have the opportunity for personal growth by sharing your truth and listening to the truths of others. 


If so, the Adult Religious Education Team invites you to participate in our new bimonthly Sharing Circle program starting in October.  Both monthly sharing circles will explore the same monthly theme though at different depths.  


The Second Sunday of the month circle (11:50 am - 1:00 pm; Merritt Lounge) is completely drop in and will require no preparation.  The Fourth Sunday of the month circle (11:50 am – 1:50 pm; Merritt Lounge) will be a deeper dive into the monthly theme with readahead materials and exercises.  Both sessions will use the monthly theme materials available via the links below.  The Second Sunday sessions (less depth) will use the one page summary and associated questions from the packet.  The Fourth Sunday sessions (in-depth) will use the full packet.  Fourth-Sunday participants will be expected to engage the materials beforehand including one of the spiritual exercises. 


Monthly signups for the Fourth Sunday session will be appreciated though not required.  Childcare will be made available as needed for both sessions.



Sharing Circles 2023-2024 Themes and Packets


(Note: Deep Dive Sessions will be held on the 4th Sunday of the month except for October (5th Sunday) and December (3rd Sunday).


October – Play

Less depth session: Sunday, Oct. 8 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1pm.

Full session: Sunday, Oct. 29 in the Merritt Lounge, 11:50am-1:50pm.


November – Resistance   

Less depth session: Sunday, Nov. 12 in the Merritt Lounge. 11:50am-1pm. 

Full session:  Sunday, Nov. 26 in the Merritt Lounge. 11:50am-1:50pm.


December – Opening to Joy  

Less depth session: Sunday, Dec. 3 in the Whitney Young Room 11:50am-1pm.  Full session: Sunday, Dec. 17 in the Merritt Lounge 11:50am-1:50pm.


January – Possibility 

Less depth session: Sunday, Jan. 14 in the Merritt Lounge, 11:50am-1pm.

Full session: Sunday, Jan 28 in the Merritt Lounge, 11:50am-1:50pm.


February – Becoming   

Less depth session: Sunday, Feb 11 in the Merritt Lounge, 11:50am-1pm.

Full session: Sunday, Feb. 25 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1:50pm.


March – Cultivating Relationships 

Less depth session: Sunday, March 10 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1pm.

Full session: Sunday, March 24 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1:50pm.


April – Healing

Less depth session: Sunday, April 14 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1pm.

Full session: Sunday, April 28 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1:50pm.


May – Wonder

Less depth session: Sunday, May 12 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1pm.

Full session: Sunday, May 26 in the Merritt Lounge, 1150am-1:50pm.



What happens in a  Sharing Circle monthly gathering? 


Chalice lighting and a short reading or piece of music.

Brief check-in. Members briefly share what is going on “beneath the
surface” for them. Typically takes no more than 20 minutes.

Facilitated discussion inspired by the monthly participant packet (readings,
questions for reflection and suggested spiritual exercises)

Check-out. An opportunity to briefly share reactions to the meeting.

Closing words or music.



To sign up for the 4th Sunday group click here.  





The monthly packets for the in-depth sessions can be found here:


If you need the password please contact the church office or Mike McAtee.

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