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Promoting Social Justice

Side With Love (Social Justice) Team

We continue to engage with legislative bills in the current session of the Nebraska Unicameral relating to reproductive rights, voting, anti-racism and equity for the LGBTQIA+ community. Questions? Email


​Abortion Ban Defeated; Let’s Celebrate! 

LB626, the latest extreme bill to ban abortion in Nebraska was blocked; failing by one vote to advance and become law. Let's celebrate Nebraska’s courageous state senators and strong reproductive health coalition, our congregation's vote to take a public stand, Rev. Shari’s public witness and all of our individual advocacy in support of a person’s right to make decisions about their own bodies. In September, 2022, our congregation voted overwhelmingly in support of a resolution in support of every person’s right to make decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health, including the choice to seek abortion care. Click here to view our Reproductive Rights page


Other Bills in the Nebraska Legislature 

The Side With Love Team encourages members of the First Unitarian Church community to take action with respect to the following legislation:


1. Support LB 20 to remove the two year waiting period and restore voting rights immediately upon completion of a felony sentence, including parole or probation.

2. Support LB 88 to remove the SNAP benefits lifetime ban for individuals with certain drug convictions.

3. Support LB 670 and the non-discrimination of LGBTQ+ employees by businesses of any size.

4. Support LB 169 and non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, in employment, public accommodations and housing.

5. Oppose LB 574 banning families of transgender youth from seeking medically-sound, affirming health care and punishing doctors who provide such care.

6. Oppose LB 575 banning trans youth from sports and spaces.

7. Oppose funding to construct a new prison in Nebraska. 



The Side with Love Team has a mission to create more pathways for members to live our values. This includes civic engagement activities, such as involvement in local, national and international issues.


Mindful of our status as a Welcoming Congregation, and the overwhelming congregational vote in support of Black Lives Matter, the Side with Love Team is also focusing on anti-racism and equity for LGBTQIA+ people, with a deep commitment to hold ourselves accountable to the marginalized communities who are most adversely affected by the current systems we are working to change. Our Side with Love team is part of a denomination-wide Side with Love campaign to organize and elevate the voice of UUs across the country to build more just, democratic and sustainable communities. (Go here to learn more about the national campaign The Side with Love Team intends to be a vehicle to promote awareness, as well as offering a mix of study and action, around the issues our church community is most passionate about. Action may include letter writing, lobbying, testifying at legislative hearings and participating in public demonstrations.


First Unitarian’s 501(c)(3) status allows member participation in non-partisan, issue-related activities, as long as we don’t engage in any type of political campaigning for candidates. While church policy permits the team to take positions on its own behalf, the Side with Love Team will take care not to speak about any issue in the name of First Unitarian Church, unless the congregation has voted to take a public stand in accordance with our church bylaws.


How to get involved: Watch for our meeting announcements. Contact the team by email at




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First Unitarian Church of Omaha | 3114 Harney Street | Omaha, Nebraska 68131 | 402-345-3039 | Email |Privacy Policies



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