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Sunday Morning for Kindergarten to 5th grade 
Begin Sunday in the sanctuary with the congregation at the 10:30am service. Then leave the sanctuary with their teacher after the Story for All Ages. Class and activities will go until 11:30am.
What do we want the children in our congregation to know?

This was the question a dedicated group of RE Council members and parents asked as they drafted a birth to age 18 curriculum document. This gives our education program a framework of age appropriate topics which we believe are fundamental to being a Unitarian Universalist.  

The topics rotate in a three year cycle, with time given for three key ways of understanding religious thought.  1. Who are we and how do we relate to the world? 2.  How can we aspire to be good?  3.  What do we believe to be true?

Each year of the cycle leads children and youth through four big questions.  
Year 1:    
•    UU core Values: What does it mean to have values?
•    Where do we find the holy?
•    How can one person make a difference?
•    Optional interest based explorations.*
Year 2:
•    World Religions: What is the role of religions?
•    Critical thinking: How do you decide what you believe?
•    We are part of the universe: How do we relate to the earth?
•    Optional interest based explorations.
Year 3:
•    Abrahamic Religions Part I : How have Judaism, Christianity, and Islam influenced the world culture?
•    Abrahamic Religions Part II:  How do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam influence the world in which we live. 
•    Optional interest based explorations.

*Interest based explorations are summertime classes which are designed to respond to the enthusiasm of students and volunteer teachers. They explore subjects that reflect the interests of the children and adults involved.  
We are excited about the founding concepts and the flexibility of this plan.  

Great gratitude to:
leader Kate Wiig, Sheri Conner, Wendi Jensen, Patricia Soto, and Donna Neff.





In the Nursery​

Ages: Newborns to Pre-K.
We've developed nursery- age-appropriate UU rituals and stories into the nursery activities.  This brand new, full- year program encourages young children to:

• learn how to play and work cooperatively
• express their feelings about themselves and others
• see congregations as places for making and caring about friends
• appreciate how we are all alike yet different
• view nature as a source of gifts that needs our care
• celebrate the different religions and cultures of the world.

For example, our preschool opening ritual centers little minds with gestures and easy-to-learn principles that kids remember well into adulthood! The words are:
We Light This Chalice

To Celebrate Unitarian Universalism

This is the church of the Open Mind

This is the church of the Helping Hands

This is the church of the Loving Heart
The nursery is staffed every Sunday from 10am to 12pm

Youth Group to Start Again


YRUU (our 7th-12th grade Wed night youth group) will begin on Aug 23, 7:00-8:30pm with a required* YRUU Orientation for parents, concurrent with an “Icebreakers & Ice Cream Social” meetup for youth! YRUU is a combined group of First Unitarian and Second Unitarian youth and volunteers, and is open to any 7th-12th graders interested in attending. Activities include social nights, UU-focused learning/discussion sessions, and service projects. [*If you are unable to attend the parent orientation on Aug 23, but would like your youth to be involved with YRUU, please contact to make alternate arrangements.]

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First Unitarian Church of Omaha | 3114 Harney Street | Omaha, Nebraska 68131 | 402-345-3039 | Email |Privacy Policies



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